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Administration Contacts Principal: Neil Kraus Assistant Principal: Meredith Wetmore Main Office ContactsRegistrar: Katherine WrightFinancial Technician: (Laura) Holly BuehlerSchool Nurse: Mollie CavalieriMain Office Phone: 571-434-3260Fax 703-444-7418PHONE AN ABSENCE: 571-434-3261Email An Absence
School Board MembersApril Chandler, Algonkian DistrictAnne Donohue, Member At Large
Summer Office Hours8:30 am - 2:00pmStudent HoursArrival 7:40 amBell Rings 8:00 amDismissal 2:45 pm Student ExpectationsStudents' Rights and Responsibilities & Code of Conduct 2023-2024 English Spanish Arabic Urdu Vietnamese FarsiStudent Device HandbookHorizon Elementary Student HandbookFood in Schools: Expectations for Health and Safety of All Students(PDF) LCPS's policy for Bullying Prevention and Education - Incidents of harassment or bullying should be reported immediately to our bullying prevention coordinator, Ms. Wetmore. For additional support, you can also contact our school counselors.
Click for more info about Kindergarten registration
Our students and staff are safe and responsible digital citizens.
Our community is committed to making Horizon a Bully-Free Zone.